Thursday, January 22, 2009
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Indian on Pony

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Moon Beam
I lived in New Mexico for many years, and had the opportunity to observe the modern Native American culture. It is really a very sad state of affairs, and I saw much despair among the Native Americans and the modern day reservations. I consider it a tragedy that we destroyed the traditional way of life of these people, and having done so, did not effectively welcome them into our culture.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Indian Chief with Recording Device

Speaking of Indians, I have gotten lots of email asking questions about my students that created the WEB site Picture Indians. I will try to update you now. (Note: those of you who get mad when I get off topic should just go up and click the back button and go back to wherever you came from because I am about to get off topic. Save yourself some grief and just don't read the rest of this.)
Back on November 16 I had mentioned that this is my first semmester of teaching school. On the first day of school, I had one very tough group of students. I can remember the very first day, they told me things like "this was the 'dumb' class", and I heard them also use words like "misfits" and "trouble". I had not asked them anthing, they just walked in and told me. Well, I told them that they were not "dumb" that they were probably just not book learners, and that school was really set up to educate book learners. I then proceeded to throw out the book, and told them that we would try something different in this class. I taught them to build WEB sites by showing them. At first, I showed them how to build a page. Then the class built one page together, with my help. Then each student built his/her own page with my help. Then they started building their own pages, helping each other without my help. And then each student was building his/her own pages without help. In each case, however, the words and the pictures on the pages were their own work. That is to say, I did not write any of the little poems anywhere on the site. That was all 100% their words. I have to say I was really shocked by what they were writing, and how quickly they were learning to make technically correct WEB pages.
Well, their WEB site has really taken off. It has gotten tens of thousands of visitors from around the world, and since November 16, they have gotten literally hundreds of emails. I wish you all could have seen the tears on their faces as they read some of the email. I think for some of these students it might have been the first time they had ever been recognized for a academic type accomplishment. The Lions Club in our little community has invited them to a luncheon to honor their accomplishment. Now to most of us, that sounds like a small thing, but for these students it might be one of the biggest things ever to happen.
As a result of all the visitors to their site, they happened to meet a world renouned photographer, Kent Wood. Kent corresponded with them via email, and he agreed to help them learn photography. He sent them email to help them learn the keys to good photography. Not technical stuff like focus and exposure, but the real top level stuff like composition, and how to evoke feeling in your pictures. The school bought the class a very nice, high end Digital Canon Rebel camera. We then took the students on a field trip to an old western fort about an hour from our school. The students took pictures of the fort, and took pictures of each other. When they returned, they sent the photographs to Kent, and he provided them with an excellent critique of their work, which by the way was incredibly encouraging to them.
They then took the photographs they had taken, and added a section to the WEB site on themselves. They have given themselves a name, Los Vatos de Oro. I dont know the exact translation, but it is something like the brothers of gold. Not brothers as in blood kin, but sort of like close friends of compatriots. Anyway, I found it incredibly interesting to read what they wrote about themselves as a group, and what each of them wrote about themselves. For those of you who have emailed and asked about these students, I am hopeful you will check out the new section of the WEB site, Los Vatos. Be sure to click on each thumbnail to read what that student wrote about themselves.
For all of you who wrote encouraging emails to them, I give you a great big thank you. You will never know what impact your kind words had on these young people.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Native American Woman

Many thanks to Gabriel G. for doing the photo restoration work and submitting this image.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Indian with Bow and Arrow

I find it sad that this traditional way of life of these people has been lost. Sometimes when I think about history, I imagine what things might have been like if events had unfolded a little different. I think some of the original treaties signed by the US with the Native Americans might have been fair. I think the problem is we kept reneging on the deals until the Native Americans ended up with just about nothing. What if we had not killed off the buffalo, and what if we had honored the initial treaties with the Indians. There might still be people living this traditional way of life. Now wouldn't that be something?
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Native American Man
Monday, March 24, 2008
Buffalo Bill

Monday, March 3, 2008
Apache on Horseback

Monday, February 11, 2008
Zuni Man

Monday, January 14, 2008
Native American Child
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Chief Two Guns White Calf

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